At the end of the day, the number one goal of your law firm’s website is to be a sales tool. You want the experience for potential clients to be as smooth as possible and you want to set the right expectations. One quick tip is to set up email responders for your forms (of course, that assumes you already have a contact form on your site, which you should!).
As soon as someone fills out a form, they should receive an email that includes the following:
- When they should expect to hear from someone. No one likes to be kept in the dark and play the waiting game.
- An alternate form of contact if they have an immediate need. Why wouldn’t you want to speak with a serious client who is ready for your services now?
- And of course a warm thank you for reaching out. You want to seem approachable and friendly.
This one simple email can make or break the experience for the potential customer who took the time to reach out to you. Learn more ways to turn your law firm’s website into a better sales tool.